Posted on 12th Oct 2015 @ 10:41 AM
The all in one phone jammer is suitable for banning cell phones in prison,and other communication tools and ways,WiFi,VHF,UHF,Lojack,2G & 3G & 4G cell phones and even GPS.Almost of all possibility that prisoners contact with others were broken by the phone jammer.The phone jammer is be good at secure facilities and prison employs similar interference techniques.It can disseminate fixed radiation patterns in a manner fitting to enforce a denial of service upon a prison cell phone used to communicate.
Designers and owner of the prison phone jammer would likely use the one in a fixed,stationary manner in order to block calls in a building,as opposed to moving in transit,motorcades.This stationary nature is more likely to be implemented in a prison using directional antennas,with multiple device of this type spread out in a prison,a configuration of prison jammers may be inter-connected and controlled by a central console.
The powerful signal jammer/signal blocker is good at 2G 3G 4G mobile phones, WIFI, GPS, invisible earphone and bone conduction radio system. It jams the signal of targets only; do not have any harm for targets and any other electronic products. In a words, it bans the given signal frequency bands that were set in previously:CDMA/GSM:851MHz-960MHz;DCS/PCS:1805MHz-1990MHz;3G:2110-2170MHz;4G LTE:725MHz-770MHz,790MHz-826MHz,1710MHz-1770MHz;4G Wimax:2345MHz-2500MHz,2620MHz-2690MHz;WiFi:2400MHz-2500MHz;VHF:135MHz-174MHz;UHF:400MHz-470MHz;GPSL1:1570MHz-1580MHz;Lojack:167MHz-175MHz.Turned off the power, signal jammer will stop working, all target cell phones in the area can back to work at once.As a general signal jammer, it also bans GPS from satellite tracking.12 antennas jam crosswise in all their working areas to cover the shortage for each other .So the banning efficiency are much higher than the products which have built-in aerial less than 12 antennas.
Not only the all in one phone jammer does well in prisons, as well as in churches,troops,factories,examination rooms and other public places,we will offer customized items depend on your requirements.