Posted on 11th Dec 2015 @ 9:48 AM
Cellular phone blocker can block transmission or reception of signals by creating some form of interference at the same frequency ranges that cell phones use.So in the covering range of the device,cell phone user will loss signals of 2G 3G 4G.To the signal blocker,it blocks all GPS signal as well.
The signal blocker comes with eight antennas,for switching those frequencies : (cell phone) CDMA/GSM 851-960MHz,DCS/PCS 1805-1990MHz,3G 2100-2170 MHz,4G LTE 790-825MHz/725-770MHz,4G Wimax 2620-2690MHz 2500-2690MHz;(GPS)L1 1570-1580 MHz ,L2 L3 L4 L5 1170-1280 MHz,1370 MHz -1390 MHz.Applications of signal blocker for police and military,used to limit or disrupt communication during hostage situations,bomb threats or when military action is underway.
The signal blocker can jam up to 40 meters with the 18W output power.Within it’s zone,cell phone and GPS lose their ability in working.The signal blocker emits same frequency as pagers and and mobile phones, cutting off communication between handsets and base stations. Others work as electronic filters that fool mobile phones into thinking there are no frequencies available to make or receive calls. Manufacturers of the devices say the jamming only affects the designated area (most radii are a couple dozen to several hundred feet) and works only on cellular transmissions.
By using the signal,we can get rid of GPS tracking and cellular phones boring calls,under the protection of the adjustable signal blocker,we are free in daily life.