Posted on 15th Dec 2015 @ 9:33 AM
The signal jammer looks like a radio,it has a strong ability to jam 2G 3G 4G cell phone signals and WIFI signal.
About the cooling system,there is a cooling fan sises in the middle of front side,and the whole outer casing adapt a design of gas vent to make a good environment inside.A same design was used for adapter -- look at the picture ,it comes with a fan ,too.All of there are for keeping a long time work,to a signal jammer.
There are six antennas for switching different channels of jamming signals.Take mote that,signals of cell phones and WIFI that can be jammed by the device as below:for Europe/Asia/Africa/MiddleEastArea--CDMA800:869-894MHz,GSM900:925-960MHz,GSM1800:1805-1880MHz,3GWCDMA:2110-2170MHz,WiFi2.4GHz:2400-2485MHz,4G 2600:2620-2690MHz,4G 800:780-830MHz;for American Market -CDMA850:851-894MHz,PCS1900:1920-1990MHz 3G CDMA2000:2110-2170MHz,WiFi2.4GHz:2400-2485MHz,4G2300:2300-2400MHz4G700:725-770MHz.It is a adjustable device,you can choose targets ranges -- let some work ,let some go .Before ordering ,you’d better chat or leave messages to our online servers.
The signal jammer has a wide jamming range,up to 150meters.This is a device that blocks transmission or reception of signals, usually by creating some form of interference at the same frequency ranges that cell phones use. As a result, a cell phone user will either lose the signal or experience a significant loss of signal quality.In its zone,all cell phones lose their ability in working,includes WIFI devices.So it is suitable used for prisons,churches,schools or military,villa.